Programming with C++ - 22C:109:SCA   (Spring 2007)
Class Info
Instructor: Greg Nichols
E-mail: gregory-nichols <at> uiowa <dot> edu   (use e-mail when possible, please!)
Where/When: 6:00PM - 8:30PM, Tuesdays, 218 MLH
Office Location: IDEA Lab, 317 MLH
Office hours: Tuesdays, 4:30 - 6:00 PM in 301 MLH (the computer lab), or by appointment
Class Description
Topics include basic constructs in C++; class specification; multiple inheritance, operator and function name overloading; virtual functions and templates; basic concepts of data abstraction and object-oriented programming in C++. This course is not intended for computer science majors who have C++ experience.
Final Review
Here's the final review sheet - a list of final topics that you might want to look over. This is a pretty basic list, but it's a pretty comprehensive list of what we've covered this semester.
May 13, 2007: Final grades for the class have been posted. Thanks for the great semester everyone - I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did! Or if you didn't, I hope you at least learned something. Or if not that, I hope you at least caught a nice nap in the back of the room from time to time - class has got to be worth something after all!

May 12, 2007: Grades for the final exam are posted, and all the projects I've received have been graded. Extra credit project grades will be up sometime tomorrow (Sunday, May 12), but if you didn't turn one in, then the posted grade will be your final percentage - I'll get letter grades assigned once all the extra credit has been dealt with.

By the way, 27 states have land north of Canada's southernmost point, which is tiny Middle Island, Ontario, located in Lake Erie, at 41' 41" North. The 27 states are Alaska, California, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

April 30, 2007: Everything I've received (projects 1-5) have been graded - if you're missing a grade for something that you've completed, and I have not contacted you about it, please let me know! Some of you are missing multiple projects... if your grade is not to your liking you might want to consider turning some of these in for partial credit. Also remember that you need to have turned in everything in order to qualify for the extra credit project!

Tomorrow is the final class and hence the final review day... come with questions if you have any.

April 17, 2007: Project 5 has been posted. This will be the final required project for this semester, although in a few days there will be a 6th, optional project (for extra credit). More information on this in class today.

March 19, 2007: Office hours for tomorrow (March 20) are cancelled - let me know if you need to talk to me and we can schedule a time.

March 17, 2007: Grades for the midterm exam and Project 2 have been posted. We'll go over the midterm in class.

February 26, 2007: As some of you have no doubt noticed, next week (March 6) is the midterm exam. As such, we'll devote a chunk of tomorrow's class to doing whatever review y'all feel is needed. Review your notes and come prepared to ask questions about things you don't understand. Unless, of course, you understand everything; then you're all set!

February 23, 2007: A few project 2 notes: the due date has been pushed back to Sunday night (again at midnight), so you have a few extra days to work on this. Also, the assignment mistakenly lists our class code for the submit procedure as c109sb - it's actually c109.

February 13, 2007: Grades for Project 1 have been posted. Each of you has a 3-digit code for your grade, which I'll pass out in class tonight. If you can't make it, e-mail me and I'll let you know what your code is.

January 22, 2007: Unless objections are raised in class, I'll be holding office hours for 1.5 hours before each class - so Tuesdays, 4:30 - 6:00 PM. These will be held in the computer lab in 301 MLH. I realize this won't work for all of you. You'll often be able to find me in 317 MLH, or e-mail me and we'll set up a time to meet.

January 8, 2007: Page created. I'm still working out the details for this course, but watch this space! More info will be up soon.